30 Days of Biking 2018: Rolled All April

Some days in April 2018 definitely got a check-the-box ride for #30DaysOfBiking. Wheels touched ground, feet touched pedals, pedals and wheels turned but the bike time didn’t merit any cookies or confetti. Some days counted for health, just not transportation,…Continue Reading

Pen and ink drawing of a bicycle with each part made up of the words for that part, so the top tube is formed by the printed words "top tube".

Just for fun, a Bike Bingo Bikespedition card for you to play with during National Bike Month — or any time. It’s two-sided with activities chosen that try not to assume you do a certain type of riding. Some are…Continue Reading

#30DaysofBiking 2015: I’m Rolling

So far so good for the annual 30 Days of Biking challenge. It’s April 8 and I’ve ridden my bike every day. That’s sort of a “duh”, usually, at least on weekdays since I ride every day either all the…Continue Reading

#Coffeeneuring 2014: It’s In the Cup

Nice cup of something hot on a crisp fall day? What could make a better excuse for a bike ride? Add in the fact that all 7 of my coffeeneuring rides constituted bike dates with my Sweet Hubs, and I’m…Continue Reading

Coffeeneuring 2014: The Halfway Mark

When I participated in the coffeeneuring challenge back in 2011 I didn’t realize it was the first year for the challenge posed by bike blogger Chasing Mailboxes, whom I had discovered in my quest for women’s bike blogs. Nor did…Continue Reading

30 Days of Biking April 2014: I Did It!

Opening myself up to the prospect of public confession and associated humiliation if I can’t ride my bike every day certainly does the trick. I successfully completed #30daysofbiking this April. Similar to my blog-a-day self-imposed challenge in September 2011, I…Continue Reading

#30DaysofBiking, #30words, #30pix

In the major leagues batting .500 would be worth millions. In 30 Days of Biking, it means I didn’t get on my bike every single day in some of my attempts in the past couple of years since I heard…Continue Reading

Bike to Work Week 2013: Quite a Change

For the past 5 years of my life (and more, actually–starting with our first Spokane organizing meetings in Nov. 2007), Bike to Work Week has been a major highlight (and workload) of my volunteer life as a bike advocate. So…Continue Reading

30 Days of Biking has only one rule: Ride your bike every day.

Setting up the goal (and links to those previous April outcomes): 30 Days of Biking April 2013: Yes We Can! First couple of weeks: 30 Days of Biking April 2013: Almost Halfway Ride Report, 34.4 miles Made it through week…Continue Reading

Rosie the Riveter. You Can Do It!

30 Days of Biking: 9 Days to Go

For me, April has been the cruelest month in trying to complete 30 Days of Biking the last couple of years. 2011 didn’t work out. 2012 didn’t work out. How’s it going so far in 2013? The first half of…Continue Reading