So, do tell–what’s SoDo? South of Downtown Spokane a great little retail/gourmet stretch has been growing for a while and I’m going on a bikespedition to check it out this coming Saturday, Aug. 13, 2011. Special feature: Brand-new asphalt on…Continue Reading

Another Spokane Summer Parkways will be held Sunday, August 14, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.. We’ll have a table along the route at Audobon Park with our cute stuff and I hope you’ll stop by. More importantly, though, I hope you attend…Continue Reading

Bike-Friendly Restaurants

Yesterday I had lunch with a friend in downtown Spokane. When she asked where we should go for lunch, I suggested two places–both specifically because they have a bike rack in front or within the same block. Now, I have…Continue Reading

“Did you bike here? Do you want to bring your bikes inside?” Now that’s something you don’t hear every day from a shop owner! What an auspicious start to Saturday’s Bikespedition to Carnegie Square: the collection of distinctive local shops…Continue Reading

We’ll have a booth at the South Perry Street Fair Saturday, July 16. Share the Eventbrite invitation or Facebook event with friends so they know to stop on by. Featured items build on what we’ve had at the first two shopping events.…Continue Reading

Nice Rack, Lady

A common question I get is what I do with my bike at a destination that doesn’t have bike racks. Since this may come up a lot when we go on our Bikespeditions I thought I’d share my work-arounds. #1—Vote…Continue Reading

Seldom do I need much excuse to ride my bike. Or to get something yummy to eat. Or to shop. (Should I ever have any hesitation about the latter, there’s always my dear friend Betsy the Enabler: “How about a…Continue Reading

I’m holding a fun bike-y ladies’ shopping event Saturday, May 21, 10am-2pm, at Roasthouse Coffee, 423 E. Cleveland.  I hope you’ll come and bring/tell all your friends as a fun way to wrap up Bike to Work Week. (And you don’t have…Continue Reading

Why We Need Each Other

In my quest for women’s bike blogs I’ve already identified a bunch (approaching 500) and the list keeps growing. So why another one? Spokane has a growing community of people who ride bikes. Women are sometimes the invisible minority in…Continue Reading

What’s a bikespedition, anyway? (and what’s with all the coinages involving -spedition?) Bikespedition: Noun. Shopping expedition via bike to destinations that combine shopping, food, and bike racks or other good ways to secure your bike. A bikespedition post gives you…Continue Reading

On a Roll With….

“On a Roll with….” will feature interviews with women who bike in style. I’m compiling a list of interviewees I’d love to catch up with and working on the questions I’ll ask them. This isn’t just about “notable” women (although…Continue Reading