Not long after we moved to Olympia I discovered the town has a poet laureate program, which is simply delightful. Sady Sparks, poet laureate 2019-2020, created poetry “maps” to guide people to various locations around town where they could find…Continue Reading

Riding Down Memory Lane: March

Every month this year I plan to share links to older posts written in that particular month, along with a reminder of that month’s bike events in case you want to participate. Always check in with any local or statewide…Continue Reading

Photo of a short segment of faded red fence with Mardi Gras beads in bright colors hanging on it like garland. Behind it, a leafy green hedge and a light green house.

Riding Always Makes Me Happy. Yes, Always.

Be honest. If you drive regularly for transportation, how often do you get wherever you’re going and say, “Wow, that was such a great drive! It made me so happy! I had so much fun!” Sure, you might be glad…Continue Reading

Quotation in typewriter font: Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. --Arthur Ashe

New Year, New Mode(s)

Over the years I’ve thought about the new year in a variety of ways: A time to reflect on the year’s riding. A time to look ahead at the bike challenges or rides I might choose to participate in over…Continue Reading

Tours to highlight tribal history not known to enough people. Programs to get more kids on bicycles. Efforts to develop heritage trails for safety and connectivity. “Pedaling the Pueblo,” a podcast created by Living Streets Alliance and sponsored by Tucson’s…Continue Reading

Shadow on the road of a person on a bike.

So long, spammers (with apologies to real people)

In the 2+ years I haven’t blogged actively, spammy subscribers really added up. As in, over 76,000 of them. Some of them managed to get an “author” profile associated with their fake email addresses so my site is now hosting…Continue Reading