Looking Back, Looking Ahead

An article in the New York Times on the psychology of change got me thinking about how the belief that we won’t change might set up the belief that we can’t change and how that affects our transportation choices. They are choices,…Continue Reading

A Small Moment

At a certain point in late spring a couple of flowering trees on my usual route home fill the air with sweet perfume. They stand in a most unlikely spot on Sherman Avenue just north of the freeway overpass. Not…Continue Reading

I’ve been dealing for over a decade with issues created as my parents aged, including transportation problems. My mother, who’s 90, has vascular dementia that has worsened over the past 12 years and my father is now showing signs of…Continue Reading

Barb in green jersey dress with helmet and gloves and her road bike set up for commuting.

The blog now stands at over 170 posts after a year of writing. Lots of advice is sprinkled throughout every post, along with my ponderings and miscellany on bike policy, infrastructure creation, and other aspects of becoming a bike-friendlier world. This…Continue Reading

At times I try to approach biking as a genuine mindfulness meditation. The immersion of self into the experience feels really wonderful when I get there. At times, though, I’m immersed in something more like dumb-ass-ness. Herewith, three stories of…Continue Reading

This post is Part II, continuing yesterday’s diatribe meditation on use of the word “accident” to describe a preventable negative interaction between a driver and a cyclist or pedestrian. The conversations I often have after someone on a bike is hit tend to…Continue Reading

It Pays to Pay Attention

Back in the saddle again after almost a week in New York City, where people on bikes share streets with New York cabbies and millions of people, and what happens? Tuesday morning I have possibly my closest call ever with…Continue Reading

On Getting from Here to There: A Betsy Post

A guest post by Betsy Lawrence, AKA “yogaprof,” the founder of Belles and Baskets I have written previously about how I began bike commuting; now here are a few lessons I have discovered along the way. Lesson one: Be flexible Once…Continue Reading

I launched this blog May 1, 2011, at the beginning of Spokane Bike Month and National Bicycling Month, after nearly three years of blogging about biking and a lot of miscellany over at Bike to Work Barb. Not knowing what…Continue Reading