Seeing with New Eyes

Taking up biking for transportation has given me the same experience that becoming a mother did. No, not endless anxiety, sleepless nights, and sh**—well, at least not too much of the latter—but rather the experience of learning just how much…Continue Reading

I made variety one of my watchwords for my 2012 biking, along with consistency and mindfulness. On my Wednesday ride I put all three to work, and thought I’d share a little ride report to show them in action. Consistency:…Continue Reading

3 Words for 2012 Biking

Several of the people whose writing and social media work I admire—such as Chris Brogan, Christopher Penn, Justin Levy, and C.C. Chapman, who pointed me to all the others I list—wrote New Year’s posts on the theme of choosing three words as…Continue Reading

My Resolutions: A Betsy Post

A guest post by Betsy Lawrence, AKA “yogaprof,” the founder of Belles and Baskets I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions: When I want to make a change in my life, I tend to just do it. However,…Continue Reading

I gave you my “I’m a happy green dot on a bike spreading friendliness!” story in my previous post. This is the rest of the story about why it mattered to me enough to write about it. I didn’t get…Continue Reading

Be a Green Dot on a Bike, Part I

  The other day I had the great good fortune to hear a wonderful presentation by Dorothy Edwards on the Green Dot approach to violence prevention. You’ll recognize the visual analogy she scrawled on the board for us. It’s in…Continue Reading

  I no longer succumb to New Year’s-induced magical thinking: “I’ll lose weight! Exercise every day! Meditate! File my taxes early! Organize the basement and keep it organized!” In fact, I think it makes a lot more sense to start…Continue Reading

Wednesday Words: The Mental Effects of Cycling

“When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride…Continue Reading

Zero worries about whether the car will start in the cold and no windshield scraping–my motor doesn’t freeze up and I don’t have windows. Permission to eat my sweetheart’s delicious hand-grated hashbrowns for breakfast because I’ll be burning potatoes on…Continue Reading

Every so often I go to the Friday afternoon flow yoga class at Spokane Yoga Shala taught by the uber-flexy Betsy Lawrence, founder of Belles and Baskets. It’s a great way to end a usually hectic week, including the ones…Continue Reading

Winning the Race

No, this isn’t about that guy I chicked—and then chicked again. I’m not usually a competitive rider, after all. Except I am, I realized, in three ways. The first is the little races I have with myself. I’m not really…Continue Reading