On Getting from Here to There: A Betsy Post

A guest post by Betsy Lawrence, AKA “yogaprof,” the founder of Belles and Baskets I have written previously about how I began bike commuting; now here are a few lessons I have discovered along the way. Lesson one: Be flexible Once…Continue Reading

3 Words for 2012 Biking

Several of the people whose writing and social media work I admire—such as Chris Brogan, Christopher Penn, Justin Levy, and C.C. Chapman, who pointed me to all the others I list—wrote New Year’s posts on the theme of choosing three words as…Continue Reading

My dear Sweet Hubs trains seriously for the racing season. He measures things like watts, wishes he could test his VO2 max regularly, talks eagerly about having his leg core-sampled to know his exact proportion of fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers, and…Continue Reading

Grocery Run: Impossible!

The media jumped all over recent findings about how easily the nation could lose a few pounds, save billions of dollars, live longer, and clean the air, by . . . wait for it . . . riding a bike.…Continue Reading

It’s too easy to complain about the bad drivers (or bad bikers). I want to start a movement in which we acknowledge and thank the good drivers. So here goes—short and sweet— Tuesday afternoon (sunny, but chilly!) I was riding…Continue Reading

That Was No Accident

Did anyone promise you driving would be 100% problem-free when you were going through driver’s ed? Nope. They told you that the skills they were teaching you would help make you a safer driver, that’s all. Life, slippery streets, and…Continue Reading

I had an epiphany about cycling—while I was driving. Maybe because I don’t drive very often any more, choosing to take Spokane Transit to work if it’s too snowy for my skinny road tires, I’m more conscious of the actual act of…Continue Reading

Pants Management 101

This is the stuff they didn’t teach us in Home Ec back at Bowdish Junior High School in the Spokane Valley (go Rockets!): How to manage your pant leg so it doesn’t get caught in the bike chain. While I’ve…Continue Reading

In April 2011 I didn’t manage to complete the 30 Days of Biking challenge for various reasons. So I was delighted to see the challenge come around again in September, which generally offers beautiful riding conditions in my hometown of…Continue Reading