Bike-friendly dresses, jackets, shirts, and other outfits let you bike to work (or wherever you're going) and look professional when you arrive.

Hub and Bespoke: Worth a Bikespedition All Its Own

For someone dedicated to riding a bike and looking pretty much like every other busy, Outlook-calendar-flogged person hustling into a meeting—as opposed to standing out as the sweaty one in Spandex sausage casings—a trip to Hub and Bespoke in the…Continue Reading

First Impressions of Seattle Biking

My bike experience in Seattle is all of 53 hours in duration, following a cross-state move and coinciding with the first few days in a new job, so consider this a series of blurred snapshots—about like what I’m able to…Continue Reading

Share the Road license plate supports the Bicycle Alliance of Washington

A New Bend in the Road

Just over a month ago I had absolutely no idea I would be writing this post. My life was pretty full with a job I enjoyed, bike/transportation policy work as a civic volunteer, this blog, Belles and Baskets rides and coffee…Continue Reading

As with the blogspedition round-ups on Washington, DC, and New York City, this doesn’t purport to be a 100% exhaustive list of all bike blogs by women in Seattle. It’s a list of blogs I’ve found so far that tell…Continue Reading