Recovering from last year’s broken elbow and frozen shoulder has been a bit of a haul. About when I thought I could start building some mileage to earn back my strength I took an exciting new job, the one that…Continue Reading

Rolling Right Along: Weeks 2-3, #30DaysOfBiking

When I started riding my bike for transportation it took a while for it to become a daily habit. Once it did, my mindset was no longer that of a person who drives without thinking about it. If I didn’t…Continue Reading

Biking Is the Spice of Life

I have missed many things while driving for transportation thanks to a broken elbow (with recovery complicated by a frozen shoulder). To name just a few: Exercise (hello, +10 pounds) Sense of connection to my surroundings and the people along…Continue Reading

#Coffeeneuring 2014: It’s In the Cup

Nice cup of something hot on a crisp fall day? What could make a better excuse for a bike ride? Add in the fact that all 7 of my coffeeneuring rides constituted bike dates with my Sweet Hubs, and I’m…Continue Reading

What it means to buy local: Close-up from a sign in Auntie's Bookstore, Spokane. 1) You kept dollars in our economy. 2) You embraced what makes us unique. 3) You created local jobs. 4) You helped the environment. 5) You nurtured community. 6) You conserved your tax dollars.

I took a shot at the February biking challenge posed by @gypsybug on Chasing Mailboxes: the Errandonnee. Complete at least 7 different types of errand by bike and at least 30 miles and you’ve succeeded! In addition to living a pretty…Continue Reading

Po Campo Loop Pannier in "Free Bird" fabric with a laptop inside.

Errandonnee 2013: Winter Errands by Bike!

The DC area blog Chasing Mailboxes has issued a great February biking challenge: The Errandonnee. Complete at least 7 different types of errand by bike and at least 30 miles and you’ve succeeded! Funny thing is, I’ve become such a…Continue Reading

Bike-friendly dresses, jackets, shirts, and other outfits let you bike to work (or wherever you're going) and look professional when you arrive.

Hub and Bespoke: Worth a Bikespedition All Its Own

For someone dedicated to riding a bike and looking pretty much like every other busy, Outlook-calendar-flogged person hustling into a meeting—as opposed to standing out as the sweaty one in Spandex sausage casings—a trip to Hub and Bespoke in the…Continue Reading

Betz Bikes Hallstatt

On my recent trip to Europe, my husband, Steve, and I spent a weekend in the gorgeous town of Hallstatt, Austria. This tiny lake town is over two thousand years old and is the home of the oldest known salt…Continue Reading