Cover of a program with text: WTS PUGET SOUND ANNUAL AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIPS GALA. Celebrating the people Making Waves in the Puget Sound transportation industry this past year. March 12, 2024, The Westin Seattle. The text sits above a stylized representation of waves in medium blue, light gray, green and white that swirls up at right to surround the WTS logo.

A Thrilling Night

Tuesday night brought an incredible event I have to capture: The Women in Transportation Seminar Puget Sound chapter named me Woman of the Year! I want to share my comments from the stage, or at least the version I had…Continue Reading

No Thanks for No Sidewalks!

You know what people who drive can take for granted 100% of the time? Having a system of roads connected all the way from starting point to destination. I can start from my driveway in Olympia and go all the…Continue Reading

Wheeling Sea to Sound, Day Three

Day three: A delightful finale to a thoroughly delightful Sea to Sound ride! One notable difference between this and many large bike events: There wasn’t any emphasis on finishing quickly, or first, or at all, if that wasn’t within your…Continue Reading

Wheeling Sea to Sound, Day Two

A longer, harder day, and a new perspective from which to view a trail: That was Day Two. Longer and harder meant 27 miles with a lot more climbing. That’s where Zelda the e-bike shines, though. Both yesterday and today…Continue Reading

Wheeling Sea to Sound, Day One

What a wonderful first day of Sea to Sound! Yes, we got rained on a bit, but that’s what it takes to have those lush green and mossy forests we rode through. The Olympic Discovery Trail is an absolute treasure.…Continue Reading

Ian Mackay (in power wheelchair with red awning) finishing his trip east to west across Washington state in 2018 with friends riding, rolling and running on the Olympic Discovery Trail.

Every Thursday night since 2010, bike-friendly people have gathered on Twitter to attend an hour of “#BikeSchool”. Participants follow the hashtag and answer questions asked by a guest “professor.” No academic credentials required to serve as guest prof, mind you.…Continue Reading