Success: April 2017 #30DaysOfBiking Is in the Bag

Telling people about my progress in sticking to a commitment definitely helps keep me on track. I saw that in 2014 when I set myself up to post a word and picture every day of #30DaysofBiking. I managed it in April…Continue Reading

Rolling Right Along: Weeks 2-3, #30DaysOfBiking

When I started riding my bike for transportation it took a while for it to become a daily habit. Once it did, my mindset was no longer that of a person who drives without thinking about it. If I didn’t…Continue Reading

Coming Back: Week 1, #30DaysOfBiking

What a long road this comeback is going to be. Before I broke my elbow last year, most days of the week involved anywhere from 13-25 miles just to commute. I could go out on a 40-mile weekend sweetheart ride…Continue Reading

#30DaysofBiking 2015: I’m Rolling

So far so good for the annual 30 Days of Biking challenge. It’s April 8 and I’ve ridden my bike every day. That’s sort of a “duh”, usually, at least on weekdays since I ride every day either all the…Continue Reading

#30DaysofBiking: Halfway Mark Plus One

30 Days of Biking is going swimmingly this year — or is that a mixed metaphor of sorts? I’ve been on my bike every day so far and putting in lots of miles. I traveled for several days but it…Continue Reading

#30DaysofBiking, #30words, #30pix

In the major leagues batting .500 would be worth millions. In 30 Days of Biking, it means I didn’t get on my bike every single day in some of my attempts in the past couple of years since I heard…Continue Reading

Reasons to Ride in 2023: A Forecast of Biking to Come

Some need no reason or reminder to ride; they simply do it. Some like to make a commitment of some kind, large or small. Some may be newer to riding and not yet know of the many fun and informal…Continue Reading

Days Five and Six: Lake Crescent to Victoria, BC

Day 5 mileage amounted to zero, giving my legs (and saddle area) a welcome break. I did an hour of yoga outside in the sunshine by the gorgeous lake, feeling the stretch in hip flexors and in any posture that…Continue Reading

Fixes, Flora and Fauna Along the C&O: Days 8 and 9

Lest you think I’m exaggerating the shaking and baking on the C&O, today a bolt fell out of the rack on my bike, having vibrated loose along the way. Luckily we were close to Harper’s Ferry and the bike shop/general store…Continue Reading

Bike Touring Lessons Learned So Far: Two Days and 84 Miles

  None of this will be news to people who have bike toured for years, and I’m sure blog posts and videos and lists abound that could have spared me some of the lessons. But hey, I’ll remember all this…Continue Reading

Biking Is the Spice of Life

I have missed many things while driving for transportation thanks to a broken elbow (with recovery complicated by a frozen shoulder). To name just a few: Exercise (hello, +10 pounds) Sense of connection to my surroundings and the people along…Continue Reading