Bike, Transit, Car: Three Transportation Perspectives from Seattle

An earlier version of this post compared my transportation experiences in Spokane. After living in a much larger population and a more urbanized environment for over five years, I wanted to revisit the topic of why you might find biking…Continue Reading

Bikes Are Being USED, I Tell You. Keep Up the Good Work.

Have you been bikewashed, and did it feel good? More to the point, does it do some good? I’ve been contemplating the bikewashing concept ever since Elly Blue highlighted it in a post last summer. She defined bikewashing as “the…Continue Reading

Sitting Pretty: Some Solutions for Bike Butt

So a co-worker sidles up to me as I lead a tour of visitors and says in a quiet aside, “Would you want me to tell you if you had spinach in your teeth?” “Yes,” I answer. “Then–” he pauses…Continue Reading

A Page out of the History Books: Benefits of Biking for Spinsters

After the post with a round-up of links to the connections between women and biking, I thought you might enjoy a taste of the writing of those long-ago days. Here’s an excerpt from The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (Volume 54, May-October 1897),…Continue Reading

Bike Commuting Manners: Is a Smile or a Nod Too Much to Ask?

This was going to be another rant about Rider #1, the guy I chicked recently. See, I chicked him again Monday morning, same way as last time (by taking a different route to the same point). He whooshed past me…Continue Reading

Real People on Bikes: A Rose by any Other Name

What happened around 1940? That’s when references to the bicycle peaked in books written in English, according to this Ngram created using Google’s search tool that examines book contents, and references to “cycling” started to climb. Could it have something…Continue Reading

Women’s Bike Blogs: The Comprehensive List

Or, to be more descriptive, The Really Big Possibly Comprehensive Exhaustive Exhausting List of Women’s Blogs About Riding Bikes. Or Bicycles. The story of how I built the list appears at the end in case you’re interested. I decided I…Continue Reading

Just Ride. Every Day. It’s That Simple.

The title of this piece echoes what the great bike racer Eddie Merckx said: “Ride as much or as little, or as long or as short as you feel. But ride.” As March wraps up I’m looking ahead at April…Continue Reading

How #30DaysOfBiking Rolled in 2024

Research tells us that when we commit out loud in some way we’re more likely to follow through with whatever it is we’re trying to change. That’s certainly been true for me with bike challenges. Adding something like a blogging…Continue Reading

#Coffeeneuring 2023: Success!

I mean, how hard is it really to go for a bike ride and get some coffee? Seven times in just over six weeks. With no more than two trips per week. Always to a different venue. OK, so, yes,…Continue Reading

Setting My Own Pace

Bicycling offers a unique combination of attributes in the array of transportation modes: The ability to choose your pace while getting places efficiently. This came to mind as I pedaled slowly home from an appointment that I had pedaled toward…Continue Reading