Bike Books I Recommend: Women on Wheels

Women’s emancipation* and the history of bicycling go hand in handlebars. I’ve had the privilege of meeting so many outstanding women leaders in the movements for better bicycling and safer streets; I just wish each and every one of them…Continue Reading

Bike Books I Recommend: Art, Cartoons, Deep Thoughts, Miscellany

Think of this list as the liberal arts major roundup on my bookcase. I keep my bike books sorted in categories: travel, history, policy. And then there’s this group of books that got shelved together in part because some are…Continue Reading

Bike Books I Recommend: Policy Edition

For obvious reasons (if you know what my professional life has been since 2012, that is) these types of books take up a fair amount of shelf space at my house and occupy memory on my e-reader. Buy these at…Continue Reading

South Sound Short & Sweet Bike Tour

First, a note about comments: If you’re here because I shared the link in a social media space, your answer over there helps me. Your answer here, in the comment section, helps anyone who may find this post in a…Continue Reading

Hashtag Bikes

Use of hashtags on social media can wax to the point of annoying overload when the tags are longer than the thing you said, wane to the point that it’s hard to search and find, or seem really pointless because someone…Continue Reading

Seattle to Spokane Train + Bike Tour Concept: Do I Want to Ride This?

I’ve started noodling on a concept for a long self-supported bike tour to experience a different part of Washington than those I’ve already explored. While I’m at it I could check off at least a couple on my #BikeIt lists…Continue Reading

Bikespedition Ideas: Noontime Noodling

Some of us find it relatively manageable to bike to and from work. For others it may not be as feasible, or you may not have found a way to move the hassle factor around so that biking is easier…Continue Reading

Coffeeneuring 2019: The Bike Date Edition

Little did my Sweet Hubs know that he was coffeeneuring. Only one of us needed to know, though. As far as he knew we were setting off for our typical weekend bike dates. Ride to a coffee shop, have a…Continue Reading

#BikeIt: What’s On Your List?

You know what a bucket list is — the things you want to do before you die. I’m not looking quite that far ahead with this #BikeIt list, just musing about things related to bicycling that might strike you as entertaining, inspiring,…Continue Reading

Bike Tour Planning: (Relationship) Lessons Learned So Far

These are not lessons from a bike-touring expert by any stretch of the imagination. As a couple we’ve gone on three multi-day “sheets and showers” bike tours so far: Seattle to Lake Stevens and surrounding area: I planned this four-day…Continue Reading

On the Road Again: Getting Ready for a Washington State Bike + Ferry + Train Vacation

As Hubs and I got ready to set off on another multi-day bike tour because last year’s was so amazing and wonderful we first considered heading to the Route Verte in Canada, then decided we’d design an adventure that starts…Continue Reading