#Coffeeneuring 2023: Success!

I mean, how hard is it really to go for a bike ride and get some coffee? Seven times in just over six weeks. With no more than two trips per week. Always to a different venue. OK, so, yes,…Continue Reading

Coffeeneuring 2011-2022: My Track Record for Bike Rides to Coffee Just Because

In 2011 when Mary Gersemalina created coffeeneuring as a mash-up of the words “coffee” and “randonneuring” I jumped at it. That came along during what I might think of as my “peak challenge” period. I had founded Bike to Work…Continue Reading

#Coffeeneuring Is Rolling!

My very very favorite bike challenge starts today, Oct. 7, and runs through Nov. 20. It combines two of my favorite things to do: ride my bike and drink coffee (or some other fall-appropriate beverage). Mary Gersemalina created coffeeneuring 13…Continue Reading

Coffeeneuring 2019: The Bike Date Edition

Little did my Sweet Hubs know that he was coffeeneuring. Only one of us needed to know, though. As far as he knew we were setting off for our typical weekend bike dates. Ride to a coffee shop, have a…Continue Reading

Coffeeneuring 2017: Did It!

For the record I made it through the 2017 coffeeneuring season successfully. This was a notable run for the wide geographic range I covered, starting off along the way on our big bike tour in Williamsport, MD and then Harper’s…Continue Reading

Mmmm, It’s Coffeeneuring Season

I love riding my bike. I love coffee. Therefore #coffeeneuring is a perfect fit. Or, well, I try to make it fit. Riding my bike to seven places over seven weekends for coffee or a similar beverage, or whatever else…Continue Reading

#Coffeeneuring 2014: It’s In the Cup

Nice cup of something hot on a crisp fall day? What could make a better excuse for a bike ride? Add in the fact that all 7 of my coffeeneuring rides constituted bike dates with my Sweet Hubs, and I’m…Continue Reading

Coffeeneuring 2014: The Halfway Mark

When I participated in the coffeeneuring challenge back in 2011 I didn’t realize it was the first year for the challenge posed by bike blogger Chasing Mailboxes, whom I had discovered in my quest for women’s bike blogs. Nor did…Continue Reading

Coffeeneuring: Fueled by Caffeine

Many awesome excuses abound for riding your bike. I keep threatening to organize a Cupcake Ride, for example, although we’re starting to lose the kind of weather that makes people happy to get out and spend the better part of a…Continue Reading

How #30DaysOfBiking Rolled in 2024

Research tells us that when we commit out loud in some way we’re more likely to follow through with whatever it is we’re trying to change. That’s certainly been true for me with bike challenges. Adding something like a blogging…Continue Reading