Bike to Work. Bike to Eat. Bike to Shop. Bike to Everything.

The post title is a theme we’ve used on our posters the past few years for Bike to Work Week and reflects the reason we changed our name from Bike to Work Spokane to Spokane Bikes. The Spokane Bikes philosophy…Continue Reading

On Getting from Here to There: A Betsy Post

A guest post by Betsy Lawrence, AKA “yogaprof,” the founder of Belles and Baskets I have written previously about how I began bike commuting; now here are a few lessons I have discovered along the way. Lesson one: Be flexible Once…Continue Reading

Spending the Day Running Around Downtown: Bikespedition #4

My original definition of a bikespedition included the idea that I would target a particular neighborhood and explore it pretty thoroughly. Saturday, though, I spent the day on a bikespedition of a different sort: just running around on my bike…Continue Reading

My Resolutions: A Betsy Post

A guest post by Betsy Lawrence, AKA “yogaprof,” the founder of Belles and Baskets I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions: When I want to make a change in my life, I tend to just do it. However,…Continue Reading

The Yoga of Biking. Or, the Biking of Yoga.

Every so often I go to the Friday afternoon flow yoga class at Spokane Yoga Shala taught by the uber-flexy Betsy Lawrence, founder of Belles and Baskets. It’s a great way to end a usually hectic week, including the ones…Continue Reading

On a Roll with Betsy Lawrence: On Becoming a Late-in-Life Jock

This piece takes a different approach than our usual Q&A for the On a Roll with series. Introducing occasional guest blogger Betsy Lawrence: community college composition instructor, yoga teacher, and the founder of Belles and Baskets. What she doesn’t mention…Continue Reading

On a Roll With….

“On a Roll with….” will feature interviews with women who bike in style. I’m compiling a list of interviewees I’d love to catch up with and working on the questions I’ll ask them. This isn’t just about “notable” women (although…Continue Reading