#BikeIt: What’s On Your List?

You know what a bucket list is — the things you want to do before you die. I’m not looking quite that far ahead with this #BikeIt list, just musing about things related to bicycling that might strike you as entertaining, inspiring,…Continue Reading

Wheeling through Winter, Riding in the Rain: Bicycling Gear ABCs to Keep You Rolling

It was a dark and stormy night . . . and I went for a bike ride.   P It happens regularly this time of year; That moment when someone makes a statement disguised as a question: “You don’t ride…Continue Reading

13+ Reasons Bicycles Are Perfect for the Zombie Apocalypse (and Other Disasters)

Halloween provides the perfect excuse to make jokes about the zombie apocalypse. That isn’t the only potential — or real — disaster we face as a species, however. From hurricane relief to earthquakes, bicycles serve as a flexible, convenient utility…Continue Reading

Trails in Washington State: A Bikespedition Goal

The goal of bicycling in every county in Washington state gives me one thing to shoot for. As I wrote that post I realized how often my clearest memory of biking in a particular county is tied to its trails.…Continue Reading

Event Planning 101: It’s Transportation + Accessibility Information, Not Parking Information

We showcase our assumptions, biases, and default settings every day with the words we choose and the choices we present to others. Sometimes we can’t see it when we’re looking straight at it. Here, for example, is how not to wrap…Continue Reading

Bike Tour Planning: (Relationship) Lessons Learned So Far

These are not lessons from a bike-touring expert by any stretch of the imagination. As a couple we’ve gone on three multi-day “sheets and showers” bike tours so far: Seattle to Lake Stevens and surrounding area: I planned this four-day…Continue Reading

Bike Touring Northwest Washington State: How Our Bike + Ferry + Train Loop Worked Out

I started with an overall plan for bike touring from our front door in southwest Seattle that would take us north and west in a big loop. My general parameters: Start from our front door. Technically one probably always does this,…Continue Reading

Day Twelve: Lopez Island to Anacortes

Tough to tear ourselves away from this tranquil little spot on Lopez! I fully expect to come back. We’ve been keeping notes on what makes for a great AirBnB stay and this one checked off almost everything people have done…Continue Reading

Day Eleven: Lopez Island, a Gentle Retreat

I woke to Hubs saying quietly “Honey — there’s a deer in the yard.” The description of our AirBnB had mentioned this possibility and sure enough, a small doe nibbled her way through the yard while we watched. The sun…Continue Reading

Days Nine and Ten: Friday Harbor to Lopez Island

We lucked into a really great weekend to be in Friday Harbor, sunny weather Saturday coinciding with the San Juan Islands Artists Studio Tour. Hubs went off on his bike to explore the local airstrip while my sister, her boyfriend…Continue Reading

Days Seven and Eight: Victoria, BC to Friday Harbor

  My gosh, Victoria has so much fresh kermit! AKA new bike infrastructure with bright green paint. I rode in protected bike lanes on Fort Street, Antiques Row. Great use of occasional concrete pads for both traffic calming and bike…Continue Reading