South Sound Short & Sweet Bike Tour

First, a note about comments: If you’re here because I shared the link in a social media space, your answer over there helps me. Your answer here, in the comment section, helps anyone who may find this post in a…Continue Reading

Olympia Bikespedition: Poetry and Art, Eastside Edition

Not long after we moved to Olympia I discovered the town has a poet laureate program, which is simply delightful. Sady Sparks, poet laureate 2019-2020, created poetry “maps” to guide people to various locations around town where they could find…Continue Reading

Riding Down Memory Lane: March

Every month this year I plan to share links to older posts written in that particular month, along with a reminder of that month’s bike events in case you want to participate. Always check in with any local or statewide…Continue Reading

Riding Always Makes Me Happy. Yes, Always.

Be honest. If you drive regularly for transportation, how often do you get wherever you’re going and say, “Wow, that was such a great drive! It made me so happy! I had so much fun!” Sure, you might be glad…Continue Reading

Seattle to Spokane Train + Bike Tour Concept: Do I Want to Ride This?

I’ve started noodling on a concept for a long self-supported bike tour to experience a different part of Washington than those I’ve already explored. While I’m at it I could check off at least a couple on my #BikeIt lists…Continue Reading

It’s Bike Love Day!

Also known as Valentine’s Day, this is really a day to express your love for your bicycle. I ran with that theme in the questions posed during the Feb. 13 #BikeSchool Twitter chat and am sharing them here so you…Continue Reading

How Bicycling Keeps Me Flexible

My yoga habit comes and goes — that probably means it’s no longer a habit, doesn’t it? — so I no longer count on it to keep me flexible. When I say bicycling keeps me flexible, I’m talking about the…Continue Reading

#30DaysOfBiking 2019: The Big Finish

Bike Every Day in April — No Foolin’ (#30DaysOfBiking) Day 1: Back on the Bike Day 2: My Version of a Triathlon Day 3: Biking to Breakfast, and Zelda Defies the Wind Day 4: E-Bikes Make Friends Day 5: Some…Continue Reading

#30DaysOfBiking, Days 15-26: The Twitter Story

Doing a blog post every day fell off the to-do list but that doesn’t mean I stopped riding. I’m rolling rapidly toward the end of the month with a nice mix of commuting, errands, and neighborhood noodling. Herewith, the last…Continue Reading

#30DaysOfBiking, Days 13 & 14: Bikes to the Rescue

Day 13 was a pure check the box on the Green Beast that Sweet Hubs uses for his commute. At the end of a long day of cooking, yoga, and home chores I just rolled his bike back and forth…Continue Reading

#30DaysOfBiking, Day 12: Finding a Better Way

My life and my work really do run on the same road. Today made that especially obvious: I went from a morning meeting with WSDOT colleagues that included discussions of what makes for a more pleasant and lower-stress walking or…Continue Reading