This has been an amazing year for riding through the winter, at least so far! I rode the bus two days in November right before Thanksgiving because the snow looked like a little bit more than I’m comfortable riding in…Continue Reading

Zero worries about whether the car will start in the cold and no windshield scraping–my motor doesn’t freeze up and I don’t have windows. Permission to eat my sweetheart’s delicious hand-grated hashbrowns for breakfast because I’ll be burning potatoes on…Continue Reading

Still Riding!

In case you wondered, yes, it’s still riding weather! Cold, sure, but the roads have been bare and dry. Sometimes the road is lightly frosted in the early morning so I allow for more braking time and don’t really lean…Continue Reading

Keep Your Weather Eye Open

weather eye. n. An ability to recognize quickly signs of changes in the weather. Idiom: keep a/one’s weather eye open. To keep watch; stay alert. Having a weather eye is apropos for biking no matter which meaning you use. We need to…Continue Reading

Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

#1 most common phrase I’ve heard in the past few days as the temperatures dropped and the skies darkened: “You’re still riding?!” The answer so far: Yes, and I’m not the only bike I see on the streets. One of…Continue Reading

Beautiful Fall Riding

A simple post to celebrate the joys of autumn biking What an utterly beautiful morning yesterday! Wednesday I left my little side street around 8:30 a.m., headed for a meeting on the north side of the river in downtown. The…Continue Reading

We’re in what the tourism industry calls a shoulder season. I think of it as “cover your shoulders” season when I’m getting dressed for the morning departure on my bike. Cover your legs, for that matter. Last Thursday the forecast…Continue Reading

“Horses sweat. Men perspire. Women glow.” – Silly antiquated etiquette guideline for language usage Like hell we glow. Women sweat. Not necessarily at the level of people with hyperhidrosis, mind you, but put forth a little exertion to pedal up…Continue Reading

It’s Snot Pretty

OK, gross, right? The way your nose runs in cold weather—and we still have cooler temperatures in the early morning and the occasional rainy spring day. It doesn’t help any that I’ve had a cold for two weeks and am…Continue Reading