Image of blue and white bicycle on bright green background. Text at bottom: My New Year's Resolution: Bike More!

Challenges: Bike Challenges to Try in 2020

Maybe you’re a plan-ahead-er, maybe not. Maybe you’re a mileage tracker, maybe not. This list works for you either way: as something that makes you head straight to your calendar and enter dates for all of these, with a reminder…Continue Reading

30 Days of Biking is obviously a commitment. I realized today when somebody asked me how it was going that riding my e-bike to work results in another kind of commitment: Riding home. When I ride the Sweetie Bike or…Continue Reading

Side view of white cargo bike made by Urban Arrow with black front cargo box.

I’ve been developing this theory for a while now. The longer I ponder it the more I think it makes sense. Stay with me while I work through this line of reasoning: We’d dramatically improve transportation safety if we all moved…Continue Reading

Image of blue and white bicycle on bright green background. Text at bottom: My New Year's Resolution: Bike More!

#BikeIt: What’s On Your List?

You know what a bucket list is — the things you want to do before you die. I’m not looking quite that far ahead with this #BikeIt list, just musing about things related to bicycling that might strike you as entertaining, inspiring,…Continue Reading

I had the honor of delivering the closing plenary at the 2018 national bikeshare conference presented by the Better Bike Share Partnership and the North American Bike Share Association. This is a lightly edited version of those comments taken from…Continue Reading

Question mark road signs, stack of signs with black question mark on yellow diamond road sign

These are not lessons from a bike-touring expert by any stretch of the imagination. As a couple we’ve gone on three multi-day “sheets and showers” bike tours so far: Seattle to Lake Stevens and surrounding area: I planned this four-day…Continue Reading

Calendar page showing 30 Days

Why 30 Days of Biking? (Or More)

You may think that by pledging to 30 Days of Biking you’re helping yourself form a healthy new habit. That may be the case — but it may take more (or less) than 30 days. Heaven knows I’ve taken enough…Continue Reading

An earlier version of this post compared my transportation experiences in Spokane. After living in a much larger population and a more urbanized environment for over five years, I wanted to revisit the topic of why you might find biking…Continue Reading

Riding my bike for ten straight days on a touring vacation gave me physical effects, of course, and also some policy/professional thoughts and these mental takeaways. Getting truly away from everyday routines and geography creates the most vacation-y vacation ever.…Continue Reading

A week after wrapping up the longest bike travel effort I’ve ever undertaken, what’s going on physically in addition to the mental and professional aftereffects? I did a reasonably good job of preparing myself physically for the trip and I’m really glad…Continue Reading